Friday, August 13, 2010

Bunny and Hippo

I usually find it hard to get into new television so whenever a show comes along that has that special something, I hold tight.  That's the case with the newly discovered "Bunny and Hippo".  Directed, acted and voiced by the multi-talented Bunster2000, the show has gone utterly unnoticed.  For shame.  Check out the pilot episode and another special intervention segment.

Animal + Verb = Youtube

It's an old formula, but for those of us that remember manatee squash, it's a proven one.  There may never be anything that lives up to that particular manifestation but here for your viewing pleasure, are a couple more.

Just in case you've never seen the first (and possibly best) of the asinine animal vids, here in all its glory, is Manatee Squash.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Magic Glasses- Now in HI-TECH!

Well folks, it's been a while but my morning stumbling found these gems floating around the recent uploads.  Behold: movie magic.

Where's the music coming from?  WHERE?!?!


Don't worry Ronnie, I know you're worried about your viewership, but my gift to you, the Space Waste Bump!